Friday, August 16, 2013

Kristina J. Gets A Facebook Page

I caved. I totally admit it.
I really, really did not want to have a Kristina J. page on Facebook.
Who has time to manage yet another page online? And also, until the release of my book, I really didn't have a product offer or promote.
However, both my publicist and book manager insisted that a book/blog Facebook page would make my online obligations more manageable and since I didn't feel qualified enough to argue with them--
welcome to my NEW FACEBOOK PAGE.

If you'd like to receive updates on the latest Kristina J. DIY projects or book news via Facebook, this is the page you'll want to "LIKE" (for lack of a better word). HA. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. True! It does take a lot of time to manage Facebook pages!

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