Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to Make a Medallion Hair Pin

When it comes to Valentine's Day projects, I'm not much of a lovey-dovey-pink-heart-scrolly kind of girl, so you're not likely to find any heart doily DIY projects here. I'm afraid the closest thing you'll find to a heart hair accessory is this pretty medallion hair pin created from a deconstructed chandelier earring. 

HOWEVER, while I'm not into the pink ponies and puffy hearts part of V-DAY, I'm completely and totally into the idea of Never-Ending, Never-Giving-Up, Always and Forever LOVE. Since I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to witness the romantic gush I reserve for Studhubs (it's crazy, people), I'm featuring this project instead. 
Think of it as my not so squishy/mushy version of a Valentine's Day gift to you. You're welcome.

When it comes to Valentine's Day fashion, are you all in or more reserved? 

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