Sunday, February 2, 2014

NEW DIY | How to Make a Paillette Cardigan

I'll be the first to admit I have a natural exuberance (translation: unnatural affinity) for V-neck cardigans. It started out with one in every color then progressed to one in every shade of every color and now my wardrobe's pretty much a cardi fest, as you can see by my other DIY projects. But hey, natural exuberance is supposed to be one of my endearing qualities. Having more than one too many cardigans in my closet, I couldn't resist dressing up this classic v-neck with light-as-a-whisper paillettes. 

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  1. Stunning transformation! This is just dainty and absolutely perfect.

  2. Your sweater reminds me of the rainbow fish book. :)

  3. Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at Sugar Bee Crafts - you were featured today!! and pinned to my features board!

  4. So pretty! I have a few cardigans that would be candidates for this:)

  5. Amazing! And that dress is gorgeous! Where did you get it?

  6. Ooooh this is such a pretty DIY!!! thanks! I love it

  7. Ooh, nice! And I've got paillettes in different sizes too that I'll use with smaller ones nearer the top and bottom.

    But I'd like to ask about the back as I prefer any kind of embellishments to also be in the back. I'll be careful when I'm sittingto make sure they don't catch nbut can you think of any reason not to put them on the back I might not be aware of? I just like something to look as pretty when going as coming.

    1. No. I've never had them stick to anything because of the round edges

  8. Very pretty. Thanks for the idea.
