Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Collection: The Krystal

--A Collection by Kristina J.--

I'd like you to meet the Krystal--
she is the enigma...the crushingly beautiful nice girl.
There are no hard lines about her.
She is the definition of charming--a blouse and a skirt
making no apologies for sugary sweetness.

There is something fierce in the heart of this girl.
She is not as delicate as she might seem--
You can see it in the dark trim of her sleeves...
simply insult her children, her man, or her friends and
you'll get a taste of the valiant warrior inside.

The Krystal pieces are evidence of the princess
inside the heart of each girl...
that part of us that loves to dress up
in pretty clothes and twirl among the wildflowers.
There is a prettiness in her details
that draws you in, holds your attention--
and the longer you stare, the more intriguing they become.
It's a loveliness that is core to who she truly is.
She is alive, and one can't help but be drawn to her.

There is no subterfuge in the Krystal.
She is what she is...no hidden layers.
She is vulnerable without drowning herself in her sorrow.
She is confident and beautiful.
She encompasses all things girl with a satin top and feminine bow,
while a dark crepe skirt assures that she is smart and capable.
She's got your back for more occasions than you can even imagine.

Photos courtesy of LookNook
The Krystal--
It's sugar and spice and everything nice.
It is the staple and the stand-out.
They don't waste time trying to be flashier than the others...
They know they have a place as they are.


  1. Love, Love!!! So excited for this collection!

  2. OK, so that's how it's going to be? Each look is going to be better than the last? I gotcha.

    Can't wait to see what's next!!

    Leaving the House in THIS?!?!

  3. Your blouse is beautiful. I LOVE the style.

  4. Oh my gosh, GORGEOUS!!! Love this!

  5. Thanks so much for your post awhile back on my blog! Love your style - and your pictures are GORGEOUS!

  6. gorgeous!! I love how you added the little princess and referenced how we all have that little princess inside!! Perfect!

  7. Black and white is so classic. I'm always drawn to those pieces of clothing that incorporate that colour palette. I often have to try hard to incoporate colour into my wardrobe. This dress is right up my alley :)

  8. Wow! Your work is amazing! Every piece you so is filled with creativity. It is so inspiring. I've always felt more comfortable doing children's clothing, but you make me want to start sewing for myself. Love your blog!

  9. Love the petal sleeves and the waist detailing.

  10. Wow this top is gorgeous! I love the sleeves and the fabric of the bow detail!

  11. Love it! Love all the beautiful clothes you have shown. Great tutorials! Great everything!
    Thanks for stopping by GroovyMoments. I thought I commented here yesterday, but it must not have worked, or my glasses aren't working right now... :)

  12. Adorable! And great photos! I am visiting from Sew Much Ado and I am a new follower!
    Have a great day!

  13. I can't wait to see more! You are so talented!

  14. This would make a darling work outfit. I love that bow detail! I am excited to see more!

  15. I just discovered your blog via chictopia and these images blew me away...simply divine and I love the monochrome look, Coco Chanel would be proud xxx

  16. This blouse is stunning! Love the contrast

  17. omg! This is amazing! Can i buy these anywhere? I should probably go read the post - i will but im just awake from an afternoon nap lol I also cant find my glasses :p

    Im doing the fashion ration this year where I have alloted myself certain points for the year and clothing gets counted in point form to avoid waste and buying too many clothes - ive only bought undercrackers this year and ive 48 points left.. I would TOTALLY buy this. It would be well worth the pointage sacrifice!

  18. I NEED THIS BLOUSE! :) Love your recent creations...this reveal is just the greatest thing ever!!

  19. the 5th to last shot is so amazing and sweet. one to frame!
