Saturday, March 26, 2011

Design and Inspiration

I've always wanted to create a collection of clothing using only black and white fabrics.
The beginning of each new piece is like starting with a fresh blank page...
the personality of the end product is completely dependent on
the graphics and manipulation one chooses to impose on it.
You can manipulate black and white to look harsh and imposing or soft and inviting.
No matter the combination, the end result is always impacting.
It's light and dark--no busy prints to distract the eye--no limitations.
Just pure creation.

Because the design can go anywhere--be anything, with these two colors
it was really important for me to have a specific goal for each look.
The main themes were B&W fabrics, jewel necklines, and lace.
Beyond that, I chose to base each look on the personalities of various friends from college.

I know people change.
These women may not have the same personalities as they did seven years ago.
These pieces weren't designed to be something they'd definitely wear
(they might even say they wouldn't be caught dead in the design that bears their name).
I simply took the characteristics I remember and love about them
to design pieces that reflect those traits.
Each look is named after a different one of them, just ''s fun, ya know?

To be able to name something after a good friend is beyond cool and
the only sad thing about this process was not being able to
execute the number of looks needed to encompass all my college friends.
I've made more clothes than I can even remember,
but this is the first time I've ever made a series of pieces with common elements,
and hopefully the first of many such collections to be seen here at Kristina J.
As I introduce these pieces to you over the next several days,
I hope you enjoy the both the process and the end results.
And to the women who inspired and encouraged me all through college and
after whom these pieces are named...
This is my tribute to you.

--A Collection by Kristina J.--


  1. Congratulations! I can not wait to see more of them but sneak peek looks amazing!

  2. Love it - can't wait to see more!!

  3. EXCITING! And exceptionally special since I will most likely know the girls who these designs honor :>) I'm watching for more!

  4. Gorgeous! Can't wait to see more. Love black and white! PS I think you mean "college" the first two times.

  5. Thanks Emily! Totally what I meant...fixed that! =)

  6. exciting Kristina! I'm super excited!

  7. oh...tantalizing details, and what a great way to conceptualize a collection...

  8. Wow, you are so talented. I am loving the details you shared with us here. A bit romantic, a bit old school perhaps? :) Can't wait to see the entire line. Congratulations.

  9. Congratulations, Kristina! I can't wait to see all the pieces in their entirety. =)

  10. Oh, I have been waiting so long for this! I like what I see so far :)

  11. Wow! So cool! Can't wait to see more:)

  12. This collection is already knocking my socks off. But then again, I knew it would.... Can't wait to see the collection....FULL MONTY! (You know what I mean!) Congratulations, and I love that you named the dresses after friends. too cool.

  13. im so glad you posted this!! I was in the process of constructing my first simplicity pattern - of course i choose the pattern with 14 different pieces first.. *idiot* and i got the top bit of the muslin pinned and gave up... lol. I must get back to it!
