Friday, April 8, 2011

Collection: The Joanna

So, I bet you're tired of comin' over here
and seein' nothing but black and white, no?
This is the last piece of my collection...
seven looks, nine pieces.
A lot of you have asked whether I'm selling
any of these pieces, and the answer is yes.
Come back on Monday to find out which ones.
The encouragement of you all has been overwhelming,
and it's been totally awesome and completely rewarding
to share these designs with you...can't wait to create the next ones!

--A Collection by Kristina J.--

It's a dress that had to be called the Joanna--
the quintessential look of a classy lady
reinforced by a quiet and polite demeanor.
Never too much, yet always a bit
beyond anything you'd expect.

In her eyes, you can see the silent mysteries of life
interwoven with the rich hues of delight.
The delicacy you see in her lace and short peplum
doesn't make her soft or pliable...if anything,
she is stronger than you can imagine, intricately structured.
Smooth and polished on the outside, the heart of a free spirit on the inside.

She is wildly talented...a learner, a doer...a teacher.
She needs only to whisper a message
that others must yell to communicate--
her future as shimmering as the seed pearls hand-sewn into her lace.

A tutorial for the bow belt is on this page.
Photos courtesy of LookNook.

She is a force of creativity...
she can see a need and filter a thousand ideas
through her genius to bring them into
the crisp, clear air of reality.

She enjoys the beautiful and believes the best,
innately aware of the countless opportunities to share herself.
She possesses a freshness that does not so much flash, it glows.

The Joanna Dress--
she is first-class, a sophisticate...
She absolutely echoes the sentiment of the French,
"If I must die, I am going to do it well-dressed."


  1. LOVE the photos. the dress is so stunning! definitely elegant and I love the whole description :)


  2. Oh my! How beautiful! You are very talented. Congrats to Jo too :)

  3. Love the lace and the sheer flowy "sleeves". Beautiful collection so far. :)

  4. I like the sleeves and the bottom of the skirt!

  5. LOVE THIS! Best of all! I want to buy it, LOL.

  6. Kristina, this collection is absolutely amazing! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing and wishing you the best!

  7. THat dress is gorgeous! You made this yourself? Amazing!
