Monday, September 5, 2011

Wearing: Americana

(Anthro Two Paths trench and Bakerloo belt, Ruche Cabana Comfort blouse
H&M skirt, Candie's pumps, Irvingtion Studded bag)

I am a city girl living in Small Town, USA.  It's the stuff of rocking chairs, fresh tomato sandwiches and homemade jars of jam, where old men sit on front porches discussing whether the crops have had too much rain or not enough rain.  
Here the landscape is painted yellow, green and orange by the changing seasons.

I moved here from Cincinnati seven years ago, and while I've mostly adjusted to a small town lifestyle, I know I'll never reconcile with its small town mindset...the idea that anything happening outside the city boundaries is irrelevant. When we moved here, husbie and I promised each other to take a mission trip every couple years to be reminded how big and complex the world is and how blessed we maintain a grander perspective on life.

Living here used to annoy me--the lack of museums and symphonies, the scattered disregard for higher learning, the way the months are marked by the height of the corn.  Then one day, it didn't annoy me anymore.  I realized the bank manager knew my name, the post office clerks always paused to talk to my children and give them a sucker, and our neighbors frequently crossed the street just to see how we were doing. 

For now, I'm a city girl living in a small town, where the challenge is to embrace the lifestyle without becoming small-minded...because while I never want to live in a world where the symphony is more important than the potato crop, I also never want to live in a world where the potato crop is more important than the symphony.

P.S. What do you love or not love about your town?


  1. I love this post! Happy Labor Day!

  2. Great post and lovely outfit! Love the skirt and blouse, they are beautiful and very classy :)


  3. I love everything about this outfit, from the pleated skirt to the billowy top!

  4. I grew up in a small rural community, and now live in the northern suburbs of Sydney - so the change initially was huge! I actually like living here now, but there are times when I want the more simple life - where (like the Rascal Flats song)"... people pass by and they call you by your first name..." and I don't like that kids are expected to grow up before they need to... and the air pollution. When my first born arrived, I would pop him in the pram and go for a walk, lamenting to myself that his perfectly pink little lungs were filling with horrid black stuff.
    Your town does look beautiful. And I'm not sure what it is, but those photos of you are some of the best that I think I've seen! (great lighting too!!!)
    Have a sunshiny day! :)

  5. I just adore this outfit! Perfectly patriotic, and lovely photos to accompany it!!
