Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wearing: Teal + Coral

H&M skirt--similar
J.Crew Jacki Cardi
Vera Wang wristlet--similar
UO Kimchi Blue Pumps--similar, similar
AE watch--similar
J.Crew Pale Pink Flower--similar/Anthro Extra Zest Clip

Ten things you don't know about me:
1) I eat chocolate WAY more than I should.
2) I think free International shipping is the most genius idea ever. ASOS!
3) I drive the car every high-schooler says they'll never drive--a minivan!

4) I get overwhelmed at the sheer awesomeness of the crafting blogs I stumble upon.
5) I love sipping Starbuck outdoors on crisp, fall days (pretty much any kind of day).
6) I sing Corinne Bailey Rae's "Breathless" while I'm driving.

7) I'm annoyed when people update their Twitter status every three seconds.
8) I'm annoyed with myself because I don't update my Twitter status often enough. HA. 
9) I want to spend a month in Italy for my 10th wedding anniversary (but will very likely end up spending a weekend in Chicago, instead).
10) I only recently discovered Pinterest.

Fill in the blank in the comment section:
Most people probably don't know that I _________________.

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  1. First, I absolutely ADORE the outfit! [sigh]
    Second, "Most people don't know that"... i love hip-hop/rap music. :oX


  2. My most favorite outfit of yours ever! And I LOVE all of them :-)

    One thing most people don't know about me is that I have a mischevious side :-)

  3. Could you post a tutorial on how you styled your hair? My hair is smiliar to yours and I love the way you have it fixed here <3

  4. you look amazing, Kristina!!! love,love your outfit! xoooo

  5. So beautiful and girly! I am so glad to have found your blog!!!! Thanks for visiting onceuponawife!

  6. This outfit is classy, I love it!

  7. I love everything about this outfit and the photo shoot. I'm so glad I found your blog!

  8. i love your midi skirt. i have been searching for the perfect midi/maxi skirt and if i had seen yours i would have taken it! thanks for stopping by my blog. feel free to follow me! :)

  9. Love your outfit and most people don't knows. Most people don't know I played a piano piece at my college graduation.

  10. You really do have such pretty, curly hair. I suffer from the flat, straight hair combo. Unfortunate. And most people don't know that I have a degree in engineering.

  11. I usually visit your blog to get "inspired" by your outfits. I love how you make your clothes look youthful yet modest! - keep it up!

  12. I LOVE when you do color combinations! It's something I can do no matter what brands or styles I have or don't have. I always have something in the colors and I've usually never thought to combine them that way.

  13. most people don't know that I...have eaten the same thing for breakfast about 95% of the time for the past three years. Ezekial bread toasted with natural peanut butter and banana. I am a creature of habit, what can I say!?

    I simply love the skirt you are wearing today with those heels. It's so ladylike.

  14. kristina, it seems you removed your comment on modesty. i just wanted to say that i completely agree to what you said (usually i visit your blog because i love your style, your deep, meaningful, funny and even spiritual comments) but this post moved me so much that i had to write. i have learned the hard way to discern between wants and needs and am feel content not needing or craving all the latest although i love fashion (especially the anthro-style) - i feel greater peace of mind not being too preoccupied with material things although they allow room for creativity. you understand what i mean? so often when i saw many blogs i also thought- how in the world can they afford it and truly, it is not our business and yet i feel that i always have to watch my attitude and that i stay balanced and not find myself dwelling too much on material things i like. so thank you for having posted this comment!

  15. Most people don't know that I have other artistic abilities besides music. I love to recreate beautiful things that inspire me - crafts, furniture, clothes, food... =) I just bought a dress that is too short... on purpose! You have inspired me to take out my sewing machine and I'm going to add some ruffles at the bottom to lengthen. Never tried something like this before, but I am excited at the prospect!

  16. Your SHOES are ADORABLE! You look so much like Sydney from The Daybook.

  17. I LOVE the colors you put together here. And especially the extra pizazz of the bright shoe. Sooo cute!

  18. Most people don't know that I'd love to learn to play the cello.

    I love your really do inspire me.
