Tuesday, January 10, 2012

After Nathaniel Book Release

After a year that has been both bittersweet and exhilarating, my book, After Nathaniel, has finally been released and is currently available for purchase. 

To have a person read something I've written and want to publish it was totally cool, but this book was born from loving and losing, so the whole experience has been a roller-coaster ride. I don't feel like I own a corner on grief.  After Nathaniel is not me saying, "I've experienced grief and this is how you deal with it."  You only have to look at what's gone down recently in Alabama or Japan or anywhere in the world you choose to look to realize that tragedy can knock, knock, knock on anyone's door, and everyone has a story.  I know my brother's death wasn't the most noble or tragic in history...but for me, no other death could have so abruptly altered my life. This is my story, my journey...flawed as it was.  It's me being as honest and transparent as I could be about loss and healing.
Winepress Publishing and I will be conducting a book blitz on Amazon.com on January 19 and 20. Book store buyers determine which books they buy for their stores directly on a book's sale numbers on Amazon.  I'm asking everyone who would like to purchase the book to do January 19 or 20, which will spike the book numbers to get the attention of more buyers. The book is also available as an e-book on Amazon should you prefer to download it to your reader.  If you'd like to participate in the Amazon book blitz next Thursday and Friday, that'd be awesome.

Additional information about the book can be found at the book's website, After Nathaniel and it is also available at WinepressPublishing for a discounted publisher's price. 

You, my readers, have read several excerpts from my book here on the blog (thanks for letting me practice on you!) and it's been amazing to share this part of myself with you during my publication journey.  I'd love to include some thoughts and comments about the book from some readers on the book's website.  
After the book's Amazon release  on January 19, I will be accepting the first 25 recommendations sent to me from those who have read the book, which will be posted on the Endorsement page of After Nathaniel alongside the official book endorsements.  You can email them to me or leave a message on Facebook. Can't wait to hear what you think!

In a world where it's easy and even expected for us to whitewash our deepest emotions, you have been nothing but supportive and encouraging during this process. From my heart to yours--thanks for that.

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  1. Looking forward to reading your book!! Having been close to your family for many years and knowing the depth of pain you have experienced in the loss of Nathaniel, I am especially looking forward to you sharing this journey!

  2. Congratulations Kristina! This is wonderfull news, eventhough the tragedy behind it. If I understood English good enough to read and English book I wouldn't doubt to download it for my iPad :) Good luck with this adventure! x

  3. this is amazing! you literally do it all. what an amazing way to get your story out in the world... people read your blog everyday and feel like they know a part of you but to be able to really dive into such a personal story is really quite unique and amazing.

    I wish you much success with your book!

    xoxo, Ally

  4. Congratulations on the book release! What an amazing accomplishment!

  5. I will definitely put this on my download list for then - looking forward to reading it, congratulations on the publication, and thank you for sharing this with us <3

  6. I can't wait to read it! I love your style of writing from reading your blog- I'm sure I'll enjoy the book :)

  7. That is very exciting. Thanks for sharing it with us. I put the 19th on my calendar.

  8. Congratulations on getting published, Kristina.

  9. Congratulations! I look forward to reading it.

  10. So glad you could get this done! What an accomplishment!

  11. Wow, congratulations, Kristina! I'm newer to your blog, so I had no idea you were doing this, but this is amazing. May the journey that you've been on be used as a healing agent to others!

  12. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Looking forward to reading it :)

  13. Congratulations! Will the kindle version be available soon? - I did not see it on Amazon yet. Thanks.

  14. It must be very rewarding to see you words in print and also to know that your words will help healing to occur in those who read it. Congratulations!

  15. congrats on your new book! how exciting!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Congratulations on publishing your book. I can't exactly remember how and when I came across your blog, but I really like your style.
    I recently saw you had published your first book, and was excited to read it. I finished it last night. I appreciate your sincerity, and could relate to a lot of what you were going through. I moved to America 10 years ago, at the age of 21. My immediate family lives in South-Eastern Europe. It was a battle going through school and work alone, away from my family. While in school, 3 years ago, my father had a heart attack, who he initially survived, but passed away during my long flight home. All my struggles trying to make it in a foreign country were nothing compared to losing my father. It was the hardest thing I had to ever go through. And just like you experienced, God slowly healed my wounded heart, and surely used my father's death to bring me closer to Him, even though so many times I wished he had used something else...
    Thank you for the book, and congratulations again.

  18. I hope to give something back and help others like you aided me.

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