Thursday, January 26, 2012

Guest Post: Crazy Wonderful

Hello everyone!  My name is Shelley from the blog Crazy Wonderful.

I first came across Kristina's blog when I saw one of her Anthropologizing posts.  
I was IN LOVE and have been hooked ever since.  That is so up my alley - seeing something I like and then making it myself.  Yes please!  I enjoy it so much I even have a separate page on my blog full of tutorials.  I prefer handmade items lately over mass produced, and have been putting some of my own together as giveaways for my readers.  My last giveaway included this fun and easy clutch.
Today, I'm going to show you how to make your own!
What you'll need:
  • fabric for the exterior (I used a piece of burlap from a grain sack)
  • fabric for the lining
  • heavy weight interfacing
  • magnetic snap closure
  • thread
  • scissors
  • pins
  • sewing machine
STEP ONE:  I wanted my bag to be approx. 13" x 16" when fully open, making it approx. 13" x 8" when folded over.
Exterior fabric - Cut one 14" x 33" piece.
Interfacing - Cut one 14" x 33" piece, and two small pieces approx. 2" x 2" each.
Liner fabric - Cut two 13.5" x 16.5" pieces.  You want the liner pieces to be a little smaller so they will fit nicely inside without buckling.
These measurements will give you a 1/2" seam allowance along the sewn edges.

STEP TWO:  Place and pin your liner pieces right sides together, and sew along the edges and bottom.
STEP THREE:  Lay out your long piece of interfacing vertically.  Place your exterior piece of fabric directly on top so that the right side of the fabric is facing you.  Now fold both the fabric and interfacing up and in half so that the fold is along the bottom of the clutch.  Pin and sew along both side edges, leaving the top open.  (A note about the picture - I was having issues with the burlap fraying, that is why you see two rows of stitching on the sides.  I later cut the exterior stitching off.)
STEP FOUR:  I wanted my magnetic closure to be approx. 2 inches down from the opening.  With the liner fabric still turned right sides together, center the flat backing of the magnetic closure approx. 2 inches down from the opening.  Mark where the slits are and use scissors to cut small slits through both the front and back pieces of the liner fabric.  Cut the same spaced slits into your two small pieces of interfacing.  These pieces of interfacing will help ensure the lining fabric doesn't tear from repeated opening and closing of your bag.
STEP FIVE:  Attach magnetic closure.  Lay one piece of interfacing between the wrong side of the liner fabric and the back and the magnetic closure.  Attach the closure as per the instructions.  The magnetic sides will be on the right sides of the fabric. 
STEP SIX:  This next part sounds confusing so make sure to pay close attention to the photos.  Turn the liner fabric right side out and slide it into the exterior/interfaced piece.  The right sides of the liner fabric should be facing the right sides of the exterior fabric.  Line up the tops and pin into place.  Sew along the top, but (this is important) leave yourself an opening so you can turn the bag right side out.
STEP SEVEN:  Turn bag right side out and press seams flat.
STEP EIGHT:  Pin the opening you left open closed, and stitch along the entire top of the bag.
STEP NINE:  Give yourself a pat on the back because you're done baby!
    I really love this clutch. You can stuff as little or as much in it as you want, and fold it over as little or as much as you want.
    You could even add a fun vintage broach to it.  How cute would that be huh???
    So there you have it! Thank you so much Kristina for having me over today, I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed it!

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  1. I just love Shelley and her insane talents! Glad to have found your blog too!

  2. Came over from Crazy Wonderful, and man was Shelley right, you are one talented lady!!! I love the anthropologizing, it is so inspiring!

  3. Ahhh. A new use for burlap (hessian). I think I rather like it. I also think it's hight time I went shopping for some. Glad that Shelly stopped by to share that. :)

  4. It's really cute, thanks 4 sharin...:)

  5. Awesome tutorial! Am heading to your blog to find out more :)

    Talitha xx
