Friday, February 10, 2012

How to Make a L-O-V-E Sweater

With Valentine's day just around the corner, I wanted to do project perfect for the holiday.  Chances are, we all have an unused t-shirt or sweater taking up space in our dresser. I used an unloved, clearance sweater purchased from Gap (not unloved anymore, though). The felt only costs thirty cents, and can be found at Walmart or any craft store.
You can use stencils for the letters, but if you don't have them start each one with the same size block and draw your letters on the back before you cut out.
Sewing Tip: You can tell the letters here are slightly too close together. When you're working with stretchy fabrics, always do the placement step with garment on.  That way you'll know how much stretch there is.  If you do this step with the garment flat, your letters will probably be too far apart when you put it on, which will make your word look distorted. 
You could also use embroidery thread, but if you don't have any...several strands of regular thread work just fine.
Using a contrasting thread on the heart will make it stand out.

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  1. So cute! Kristina, how will the felt wash? Just curious-I have no experience with it.

    1. I bought the felt that is actually boiled wool, so it's ok if you let it dry flat.

  2. Would it be too cheesy if I said I LOVE this :) Seriously, such a great idea and very sweet.

  3. LOVE!!! : ) ~Julie S.

  4. This is so amazing! I'm going to have to rummage through my closet so that I can make one! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you for posting this!! I've been wanting one for Valentine's Day but all the ones have seen just don't seem worth the price tag. Yours is adorable!

  6. Great idea!! I will definatly try this soon! I'll letcha know how it turns out!

  7. LOVE here too :)

    And I enjoyed peaking into your S. Africa trip... my heart loves what you're trying to cultivate in your heart. (If that makes sense to you.) :)

  8. Sweet! I might have to go looking for a cheap top - I trashed all mine after the last baby! :)

  9. U r pretty n talented....:) This is so cute....:)

  10. This is so adorable and such a great idea! I love it :)

  11. i absolutely love this! what a pretty sweater. we'd love to have you link this up at our Sunday Best party. thanks for sharing!

  12. LOVE it ;) Very cute and I love how simple this is. I made my daughter a similar shirt, but I used fabric rather than felt. I love the texture the felt gives. Would love for you to link up to my fashion party this week!

    DIY Diva Thursdays fashion party

  13. This is super cute & I love how something so simple can change a look! Found you via a blog hop drop by sometime. I have a weekly link up. Going to check out your tutorials & peek around. Happy Valentines Day!
    Theresa via

  14. Thanks for the tutorial! I love how the stitches around the heart are contrasting. It makes a great detail.

  15. Miss Kristina,
    This is such a cute tutorial, I'll have to try it!
    I've been following your blog for a while now (probably for 5 months now). I really enjoy your tutorials, and your fashion. Like you, I only wear skirts--that's one reason I love your blog so much, because I can actually wear what you wear. Thank you so much for your modesty, I appreciate it so much!
    About sewing...I'm sure you have plenty of projects going on, but if you ever are bored, I wonder if you could make a tutorial of this blouse: My grandmother gave me some fabric like this, and I think it'd be so cute underneath a cardigin.
    Thank you again for your wonderful blog, Miss Kristina. It has been a blessing and inspiration to me!

  16. I love this! Found you on Skip To My Lou. Would you please share this with our readers for Fun Stuff Fridays?
