Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wearing: Watercolor + Cinnamon

Dress: Anthro Artist Rendering
Cardi: J.Crew 
Oxfords:  Crown Vintage
Watch: AE
Bag: Fossil


You either are or you aren't. 
Touchy-feely, that is. 
Maybe it's a severe personality flaw. Maybe it's just my love language, but I never quite feel like I'm effectively communicating with someone unless I'm touching them. It's a huge joke among my friends that I'm a hugger.  My friend, Emilie, tells me,"I'm just not a hug person." And I always say, "Well, that's ok...but you're gonna get a hug from me anyway."
The thing is, I've learned that I don't really have to be touching someone to communicate with them.  I read somewhere that true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there.
Sometimes, the dialogue shared with a person far surpasses a lifetime of small hugs. 
Sometimes, it's the little things that mean the most. A smile. A kind word. A gift.
And sometimes, I can sit on a porch swing with a friend just sharing the sunshine, never saying a word, and then go away feeling like that was the best conversation I'd had all day.

I don't really think the method matters as much as being aware of the countless opportunities there are to share make some connection, however brief, with others, so that in my own way, I can shine the light of friendship in my corner of the world. 

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  1. What a beautiful words. I am totally a touchy hugger person too, and I am always thinking about the different types of friendships out there. I think it's because I've moved every year the past 3 summers and am going to be moving again this summer. Each time I start over in a new place and am trying to make new friends again, I think about things like this! There are so many ways to share friendship! Awesome post. :)

  2. why are you so cool? can i just be you?

  3. I love your method of friendship :) And the Artist Rendering dress is so you!! I just love the way you style it.

  4. What a great message! I love how you don't always talk about your outfits but you always have something so meaningful to take away from every post. Nonetheless, you always look fabulous and this is no exception! Such a fun dress... this would be great to style different ways!

    xoxo, Ally

  5. That was very sweet, and I understand completely. And I love that dress on you!

  6. Great post! I totally agree. I love the outfit too. (^_^)

  7. Great red cardi.
    I'm very affectionate with my family members, but not so much with friends and especially not with acquaintances. I think it's because I have a large chest and feel weird squishing it up against someone. =p My church is a huggy church, so I know I'm going to get loved on there and now that I'm use to it, it's okay.

  8. Beautiful… and so much true. As you put it, whichever the method, take the chance to reach out to people, to connect to them, to seek and share common ground beneath the so misleading, apparent and superficial differences.

  9. Very well said! And I love that dress, one of my Anthro favorites. So sweet with the oxfords too.

  10. this is a really beautiful post! and i agree, it's the little things that truly mean the most. :)

    <3, Mimi
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  11. really really adore your watercolor dress!!
