Skirt: Forever21 Shirt: J.Crew Pumps: Seychelles Hamburg Watch: AE Bag: Nine West
You asked:
"When is your book coming out?"
That's a really great question...and the answer is, I don't know. Due to the number of variables involved in getting a book published, the publishing house hasn't given me a release date yet, but what I can tell you is just last week I signed off on the official book cover, the press release paperwork and the typeset copy of my manuscript. Woo-hoo! So I'm hoping my book will very shortly be sent to the printer's which will make the release date that much closer. Who knew the process took so long from start to finish? Not me.
"What products do you use in your hair and how do you style it?"
That's a tricky one...HA. Not really. I know a lot of girls who are purists when it comes to hair products, NAME brands or bust. Not me. I use the generic versions of Biolage Gelee and Paul Mitchell Freeze and Shine Spray. Put the gel in, spray it with Freeze and Shine, then let it air dry. Let me just say that my hair is actually WAY more frizzy and dry than it looks in the pictures. Not kidding. But on the other hand, it is big, bouncy and super thick...which makes things a bit easier, unless of course you're going for sleek hair--then it's just a nightmare. =)
"Do you have opportunities for other bloggers to guest blog at Kristina J.?"
You know, I don't really have a system set up but would actually love to have guest bloggers. The truth is, I'm a little paranoid to ask people 'cuz I can't really imagine why a girl would want leave her perfectly amazing blog to guest over here in the middle of all my randomness. I plan on going on a mission trip to South Africa in January, so I'd definitely love some extra help then. Also, when my book is released, I'll be more busy with the publicity and would love to feature some fashion re-works by all of you out there with mad sewing skills. If you have an idea for a guest post, let's talk...that'd be awesome.
Yes and yes! My three-year-old daughter loves to play with fabric. She just made her first dress (don't worry--I did the sewing machine part). She bedazzled the life out of the thing with iron-on jewels and whatnot. I loved it! I took sewing lessons from my mom who taught me to follow a pattern when I was ten. My first project was a draw-string skirt for 4-H. I thought it was the bomb-diggety!
"Who takes the pictures for your blog?"
I think the better question is who doesn't take the pictures for my blog! My kiddos, the husbie, friends, or me with the camera's's an equal opportunity thing around here. But I have to say that if they look especially great and crystal-clear, then they were probably taken by a certain photography-loving friend with her certain budget-busting camera.
"What do you find the most frustrating aspect of blogging?"
Wow, much! HA. The time constraint for starters. From editing to writing to layout design to the very little I'm able to get around and comment on the blogs I follow, everything I do here is crammed into the few hours before my children wake up or after they go to bed. Then there's the time it takes to rework a piece of clothing or construct one from scratch. Plus, being a real live wife who has emotional breakdowns every once in a while. Whew! Even typing all that was tiring... I've sometimes been asked why I post outfit pictures if Kristina J. is a design blog and I always say it's just to fill in the space, because getting dressed in the morning and snapping a picture is a lot easier and takes a lot less time than building something pretty I can showcase here. They aren't my favorite posts, but at least it's something new...otherwise, I'd be doing good to get one post out a week.
"Where do you get the inspiration for your designs?"
Everywhere! A picture, a line of poetry, nature, the desire to create something beautiful, or something I want for my own closet that I can't find anywhere. More than anything, the inspiration comes from the internal drive I have to construct pieces that are unique and modest. Just the other day, I was buying thread at the fabric store, randomly grabbing different colors and when I looked down at the spools in my hand, I was blown away at the amazing color combination and thought "OK, that's gonna be the color scheme for my next summer collection." It really happens that spontaneously. I came home and sketched like a maniac.

Got anything else you wanna ask me? Getting a message in my inbox from a fabulous reader makes me smile, so bring on the questions and don't forget to have an awesome week. Because you're worth it. (Sorry...couldn't resist).

L O V E this outfit. This color pallete is one of my favorites. Mustard is so complimentary on Blonds. Partial to the button down with it's quirky pocket. Is that the new book cover on the right side bar? Remarkable choice.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool you're going on a mission trip! I'd love the see the dress your three year old sewed. :) It might give my 2 1/2 year old (and me!) some good ideas. :)
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ReplyDeleteI'd love to goto South Africa one day. I love your mustard skirt and the shoes even more. Best of luck with the book -xo
ReplyDeleteI have this skirt,thanks to you (: I gave you a shoutout in my most recent post.
You are so good at pairing pieces! I would love your input on an outfit for an upcoming wedding: I recently found one of the million pleats midi skirts in the blush color. I would love to hear what you would pair it with! Not a black tie wedding so I'm planning to wear a simple black top...but I'm sure there are tons of other options! Thank you!