Turn Your Handbags Into Wall Art

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

For years, my handbags have had no real space to call their own. They've been stuffed into already crowded shelves or thrown into the pile of shoes at the bottom of my closet.  A few weeks ago, I asked husbie to hang these rods for me on the wall behind the door and it's been more awesome than I would have imagined.  They are out of the way in a previously unused space, hidden by the door when it's open so the different colors don't clash with the room decor, yet I can see at a glance which bag will work best for the outfit I'm wearing.
Any substantial curtain rod will do for this project.  I bought these from the kitchen section at IKEA during a visit to Cincinnati.  Just make sure to leave ample room between rods for the length of your bags.
The hook will need to have a large knob to accommodate the straps of your larger bags.

Not sure why I'm just now getting around to organizing my handbags, but the convenience of this little project makes me wish I'd thought of it years ago. And it was so easy, too...25 minutes...max. 
So, how do you store your handbags?

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  1. And there is my favourite grey bag! :) Great idea. My bags used to hang on hangers in my wardrobe, but I found it too squishy, and their straps/handles started to get damaged. They now sit on the high shelf in my wardrobe. Not the easiest to get to when you are 21 weeks pregnant though!!! Lol.

  2. What a great idea! This would work great in my girls room with some fun shower hooks!...they have cuter purses than I do! :) Right now theirs are in a tall laundry basket in their closet and mine are in a clear plastic storage tub in my closet.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. LOVE this idea - half the time I forget what I bags I have because they are stuffed in the back of my closet :) You have a beautiful collection of bags!

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. I've been racking my brain as to what to do with all my bags! I am so going to copy this! Now do you have an idea for my array of belts that are in mass chaos??

  5. Great idea. I have a spot in my walk in closet that would work to do this...and maybe even hang my belts too... Hmmmmm..... Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. ¡Gracias por tu maravillosa publicación! Disfruté mucho leyéndolo.


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